• 13/1 Molino Nuovo, Fossombrone (IT)
  • +39 0721 716461
  • info@giommi.com
Giommi is
Official partner
Our Services
Complementing commercial architecture
With the power of experience and technology, we work side-by-side with architects and project designers to create solutions and systems that complement and enhance construction works, from installing systems to erecting coverings, including components such as fireproof systems.
Complementing public architecture
With our partners in the photovoltaic sector, we develop integrated installations to fit with the structural architecture, resulting in an appropriate visual and volume effect. We are also operating in infrastructures, realizing special public areas such as waiting lounges and halls in airports and stations.
Complementing industrial architecture
We work with industrial plants and structures using a broad range of solutions such as curtain walls, coverings and frames, electronic and armored/security fixtures, sliding and concealed/flush-to-wall fittings for interiors and exteriors, fire-rated solutions, all with attention to low environmental impact. Professional skills enabling diversified targets, focusing on the client’s needs and the will to obtain personalized, tailored interventions.
Complementing domestic architecture
Our desire to create works that last a lifetime, at the same time guaranteeing energy efficiency and respect for the environment, makes us a valuable partner in architectural projects that are alternative and avant-garde. GIOMMI proposes high-quality design complements and high-functionality solutions, in particular with the provision of the newest applications and devices in home and building automation (domotic systems).
Exhibit installations & services
Temporary and permanent solutions for fairs and exhibits represent one of the most challenging bricks in our wall, a stimulating environment in which our intervention covers from the concept up to the final completion. Adaptability meets variety in the use of materials – opening up to all possibilities – and the attention to eco-friendly solutions, allowing the most diversified types of installations (booths, stalls, stands, open-space), producing results of great impact, efficiency, environmental respect, as well as great prestige for the client’s image.
Giommi's sculpture - Works of art
A passionate love for art, culture and decoration, the application of creative stimuli, the wish to contribute to enhancing our surroundings, integrating our actions into the environment in a respectful and sustainable manner, all feed GIOMMI’s artistic vein. A solid collaboration with art studios and local administrations has brought about the realization of celebrative sculptures in various public spaces of the region. A creative vein that marries fantasy, love for nature and the skills of gifted artists, at the service of our community.
Recent Works
Complementing Architecture with High Technology and Respect for the Environment Doors & Windows · Façades & Curtain Walls · Automation & Domotics · Stairs · Verandas & Sunshields · Photovoltaic & Green Technology
  • Foro Annonario Senigallia

    Foro Annonario Senigallia

    Giommi srl
  • Cantinaccia


    Giommi srl
  • Hotel Melia Trinidad Peninsula

    Hotel Melia Trinidad Peninsula

    Giommi srl
  • Villa 2

    Villa 2

    Giommi srl
About the Company

GIOMMI began in 1961 working with metal and noble materials, targeting architecture and arts to produce high-technology eco-friendly building components. The company grew through three generations, with new creative services to its clients, interpreting and reconciling ideas, needs, functionality and competence, as well as exploring futuristic technical solutions. Such growth goes on, making GIOMMI an enterprise fitted to compete at global level, and recognized within the market for its quality and forward vision. Achieving goals is the fruit of deep interest, constant engagement and professional commitment towards our work and according to clear guidelines:

  • Use of the best materials, chosen upon our experience in the field
  • Efficient internal organization, supported by modern technology and skilled staff
  • Regular control of procedures and final products
  • Respect for the environment and constant reference to sustainable solutions
  • Great passion and striving for excellence
The special top-quality line by Giommi
MADE by Giommi <a href="http://www.giommiproject.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.giommiproject.com</a>


Automated Curtain

Functionality and Beauty coexist perfectly.
Giommi’s knowledge in construction, signs a realisation where technical expertise and aesthetic pursuit combine to harmoniously enrich the space.

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Valuable brands and important counterparts have linked with GIOMMI into crucial strategic partnerships targeting project designing, production and supply, recognizing the value of long-term collaboration and paving the way to future enhanced relationships. KELLER, Schüco, Jansen, Metra, Finstral, Hilti, Hörmann, Würth, Giommi Solar, BAX Domotica are among the most regular collaborators we are proud of being partner to. Among our goals, ensuring reduced environmental impact criteria and meeting the most demanding international standards on environment protection.
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