• 13/1 Molino Nuovo, Fossombrone (IT)
  • +39 0721 716461
  • info@giommi.com
Exhibit installations and fair stands: Exhibit installations and fair stands since 1996
You are here: Home \ Portfolio \ Exhibit installations and fair stands
  • Name: Exhibit installations and fair stands
  • Category: Exhibit installations
  • Author: Giommi S.r.l.
  • Client: Various
  • Description:

Temporary and permanent solutions for fairs and exhibits represent one of the most challenging bricks in our wall, a stimulating environment in which our intervention covers from the concept up to the final completion. Adaptability meets variety in the use of materials – opening up to all possibilities – and the attention to eco-friendly solutions, allowing the most diversified types of installations (booths, stalls, stands, open-space), producing results of great impact, efficiency, environmental respect, as well as great prestige for the client’s image.

Recent Works
  • Hotel Marconi

    Hotel Marconi

    Giommi s.r.l.
  • Capri Winter Garden

    Capri Winter Garden

    Giommi s.r.l.
  • Keller’s Minimal Windows: light, elegance e sober style.

    Keller’s Minimal Windows: light, elegance e sober style.

    Giommi s.r.l.
  • Livable Winter Garden

    Livable Winter Garden

    Giommi s.r.l.
  • Minimal Design + High Efficiency

    Minimal Design + High Efficiency

    Giommi s.r.l.
  • Foro Annonario Senigallia

    Foro Annonario Senigallia

    Giommi srl
  • Building recovery project

    Building recovery project

    Giommi s.r.l.
  • Corporate headquarters

    Corporate headquarters

    Giommi s.r.l.
  • Bronze door

    Bronze door

    Giommi s.r.l.